Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bullying And Aggression At Schools - 1552 Words

According to Horne, Stoddard, and Bell (2007), â€Å"Recognizing that bullying and aggression result in negative academic, emotional, and behavioral consequences, a number of programs have been developed in the last century to address the problem of bullying and aggression in schools† (pg. 264). This argues that there are ways that students can find the help that they need to reduce their feelings that they may have against another student. If students attend these programs that are set up specifically for them, then there could be a huge improvement in reducing bullying in school systems today. For this solution to work, different people need to be involved with this such as the principal, the parents of that child, and the teacher that that†¦show more content†¦The practicality of parents’ coming and discussing this situation that involves their child could either happen or not depending on their every day schedule unless they found an appropriate time that would work for them. It is cost effective because this is already a part of the principal’s duties. One way that could increase the practicality of this happening is that teachers and faculty could sign a petition to follow through with this idea and then if more time is spent on it, then their salaries could be raised. The principal would be the first person that would oversee this solution since they are the higher authority of the school system. According to Cross and Barnes (2014), â€Å"Key patterns of behavior are seen to emerge within the family context, with family members influencing and reacting to each other in complex ways, which may then influence their behavior beyond the family circle† (p. 294). The authors then explain that family influences can impact children and that their behavior of bullying could come from what their parents have taught them. This solution is practical because the data that they ended up collecting toward the end of this showed that behavioral patterns and family relationships can impact aggressive behavior amongst children. The solution will be effective if there is an organization that will go from school to school to provide educational materials for others, to sign a petition saying that they want to preventShow MoreRelatedBullying And School System Are No Secret Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesHannah Swan EdSE 620 Research paper 9/25/16 Bullying and Aggression in Schools Bullying and aggressive behavior in the school system are no secret. Many people have encountered a bully, or have been a bully at some point in their lives. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) bullying â€Å"is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. 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